Status: Zakończony
96. Shale Shaker Screens (19-ZP-2020) (ZAKOŃCZONY)
19-ZP-2020 Tender Invitation_Shale Shaker Screens
19-ZP-2020 Tender Invitation_Shale Shaker Screens typ pliku:zip
1.15 MB
19-ZP-2020 Extension of the deadline for bid submission
19_Extension of the deadline for bid submission file type: pdf
231.60 kB
19-ZP-2020 Extension of the deadline for bid submission II
19-ZP-2020 Extension of the deadline for bid submission II file type: pdf
37.18 kB
19-ZP-2020_Appendix 4 Draft of Sales Agreement rev.01
19-ZP-2020_Appendix 4 Draft of Sales Agreement rev.01 file type: pdf
229.52 kB
19-ZP-2020_Appendix 4 Draft of Sales Agreement rev.02
19-ZP-2020_Appendix 4 Draft of Sales Agreement rev.02
185.38 kB
19-ZP-2020_Information for bidders file type: pdf
19-ZP-2020_Information for bidders file type: pdf
32.64 kB